When Things Go Wrong

The two images above are the first shot taken of this sitting and what we finally delivered.  As you can tell from the first shot, this was one of my Garage Sessions. It really was in a garage.

While everyone else was getting ready I had photographed the younger children individually and as various sub groups.  With six sisters there are all sorts of relationships that need to be captured.  By the time everyone was ready to go at the same time, the younger children were getting a little goofy.  This is the reason I try to photograph the largest group first.

After the first shot or two I went with plan B or maybe it was plan D16.  Whatever.  I photographed a number of sub groups that could be pasted together later into one final image.  I had photographed this family before.  It helped that the three adults trusted me to be able to handle the children, someway.  They didn’t know how I was going to do it and neither did I.  They just knew that I would make it work well.  All they had to do was sit there and enjoy the ride.

The four shots above aren’t all of the images we used for the final image, but you get the idea.




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